LatesT Activities and Company News

  • June 20, 2024

    AFCEA Bonn

    Nächste Woche ist es wieder so weit: Die AFCEA Bonn beginnt!

    Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen unsere neuesten Entwicklungen in der Quantentechnologie zu zeigen. Erleben Sie live, wie Quantenkryptographie alltagstauglich wird, und sehen Sie unsere Produkte in Aktion. Besuchen Sie uns und erfahren Sie, wie wir Datensicherheit neu definieren.

  • April 18, 2024


    Speaking with the words of our host, we definitely enjoyed the liveliness of the QKD ecosystem at the SQuaD-Workshop@MuQuaNet. We contributed with talks and panel discussions and enjoyed the personal meetings all along the three days in Neubiberg. Looking forward to the next meeting at PTB!

  • December 22, 2023

    PhD Position @ KEEQuant

    KEEQuant is a proud partner of the doctoral training network “QuNEST – Quantum Enhanced Optical Communication Network Security Doctoral Training”.

    QuNEST is a highly interdisciplinary and intersectoral Doctoral Network composed of leading academic and industrial partners. The project offers a total of 11 fully funded PhD Positions, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks.

    The focus of the PhD @ KEEQuant will be on photonic integrated quantum/classical transceivers. The PhD enrollment will be with Eindhoven University of Technology, who are also leading the consortium.

    More information about our PhD Position can be found at the job posting. The application period extends throughout the first quarter of 2024.

    All vacancies and further information about the project are published on the QuNEST website:

  • October 20, 2023

    KEEQuant @ it-sa

    As always, the time at the it-sa expo was amazing!

    We had the opportunity to engage with visitors and discuss our QKD technology through a live demo, providing insights into quantum key distribution. Even evil Eve came by and was touched by our system, tried to infer the keys in vain.

    At the ATHENE Digital Hub Cybersecurity UPitsaAward live pitch event, we presented KEEQuant’s company vision. A huge thanks to Bayern Innovativ GmbH and IT-Sicherheitscluster e. V. for the great and ongoing support.

  • September 14, 2023

    Quantum Symposium @ Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub

    The German Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub hosted a quantum technology symposium.

    Besides showcasing KEEQuant’s technology (QKD, KMS, PICs),
    what we really demonstrated was our company vision:

    • Scalability of QKD technology (cost, size, volume production)
    • Pushing towards QKD certification
    • Customer-centered network integration
    • Building a truly European company


    Thank you BWI GmbH & Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub for organising and hosting this extraordinary event!

  • June 30, 2023

    KEEQuant @ LASER World of QUANTUM

    Once again this year, we exhibited at the LASER World of Quantum Expo in Munich, showcasing our innovative Photonic Integrated Chip (PIC), allowing for 100% integration of KEEQuant’s CV-QKD functionality.

    Exhibition Highlights:

    • Live demonstrations and detailed presentations on PIC design and applications.
    • Engaged with attendees, providing insights into the potential of PIC-based QKD.
  • June 7, 2023

    Deutschlandfunk Podcast “Was hinter Quantenkryptographie steckt”

    Was braucht es noch um Quantenkryptographie zur breiten Anwendung zu bringen und unsere kritischen Infrastrukturen abzusichern? Frank Grotelüschen vom Deutschlandfunk hat dazu Ulrich Eismann im Rahmen der sehr hörenswerten Podcastreihe “Quantentechnologie im Realitätscheck” interviewt. Die kurzweiligen sechs Minuten werden heute Nachmittag 16:35 ausgestrahlt und sind jederzeit als Podcast verfügbar.

  • February 21, 2023

    QuNET+ProQuake kickoff @ KEEQuant

    Two days of lively discussions about creating a QKD Post-Processing stack for the well-known protocol families of CV-QKD, DV-QKD, and EB-QKD. We are very happy to get into the details of the project with our partners: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München , Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI , Fraunhofer IOF , Technische Universität Darmstadt, and VPI Photonics. We will keep you posted on our results in the next 3 years, so stay tuned!

  • January 24, 2023

    EuroQCI Kickoff in Brussels

    We spent a great day at the European Commission‘s offices attending the EuroQCI (European Quantum Communication Infrastructure) project’s kickoff. All 26 national testbed projects were showcasing their plans for the first round of testbeds. The 5 industrial projects’ representatives presented their ways of improving QKD technology from EU-27. In this group, KEEQuant is coordinating the SEQRET project (stay tuned for more details) and its main goals

    • CV-QKD from EU-27
    • certifiability of CV-QKD
    • scaling CV-QKD through photonic integration

    Finally, the overarching PETRUS project showed its scope. Exciting times ahead for quantum cryptography in Europe!

  • December 15, 2022

    OPENQKD QKD Days in Madrid

    Two days of OPENQKD’s Madrid event are over, what a ride! The European and international QKD elite was united with a very nice representation of the entire value chain. We had numerous chats about KEEQuant’s plans and capabilities, and we are looking forward to the EuroQCI kickoff early next year.

  • December 7, 2022

    Pursuing Scale Up Europe – A New Deal for Sovereignty

    Great to represent Quantum Communications and KEEQuant at such an exclusive event, hosted by La French Tech and the French Embassy at Berlin. Together with the Quantum Technologies team, we formulated key points for national and European politics to foster the field and drive European Sovereignty.

  • December 1, 2022

    QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication at KEEQuant

    Thank you Johannes Verst and the whole Quantum Business Network (QBN) team for organizing the QBN Meeting on Quantum Communication in Nuremberg yesterday. We at KEEQuant are proud to host the event and showcase our technological capabilities and products.


  • November 30, 2022

    Article: “vernetzt”

    Gerne haben wir mitgewirkt an der neuen Ausgabe des Magazins “vernetzt” von Bayern Innovativ. Das Interview mit Ulrich Eismann mit Fokus auf unsere Investmentstory gibt es ab Seite 38.

  • November 8, 2022

    OPTICA Industry Summit in Paris, France

    We are pleased to represent KEEQuant at the live talk on Quantum Key Distribution at the Optica Industry Summit. The leading annual event for leaders in Quantum will bring together over 30 world-class industry executives from quantum companies.

  • October 12, 2022


    A huge thank you to customers and partners for visiting KEEQuant at it-sa 2022! We had plenty of good talks, and it has been a pleasure meeting everyone in person again.

    And for all those who could not visit us in Nuremberg… our demo will be back in Fürth tomorrow. ;-)

  • September 26, 2022

    Bits & Pretzels

    It was great to see you at Bits & Pretzels in Munich.

  • September 22, 2022

    ECOC 2022 in Basel

    We went to ECOC 2022 in Basel and observed how quantum and classical telecom domains move ever closer. Imran gave a talk entitled “Digital Signal Processing for CV-QKD” about the current state of the art, detailling on the major issues and pointing out dominant fields of future research and development.

  • July 29, 2022

    DIVQSec @ KEEQuant

    KEEQuant hosted the DIVQSec – Deutscher Industrieverbund für Quantensicherheit‘s (German Industry Association for Quantum Security) very first on-premise meeting since ist inception. We enjoyed a great day with multiple talks and high quality face-to-face meetings in a relaxed atmosphere. And of course we did not forget to highlight the KEEQuant QKD and KMS products. We are looking forward to the next on-premise meeting!

  • July 14, 2022

    CODE Meeting at Universität der Bundeswehr

    We were present at the CODE meeting and took a lot of input back home to KEEQuant. A personal highlight was the exciting discussion about the QKD panel with participants from secunet Security Networks AGQuantum Optics Jena GmbHRohde & Schwarz CybersecurityBWI GmbHTÜV Informationstechnik GmbH – TÜViT (TÜV NORD GROUP) and Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

  • June 28, 2022

    Tech Days Munich

    KEEQuant at in Muffathalle Munich. Ulrich Eismann gave a talk in the first session.

  • May 21, 2022

    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

    Cybersicherheit mit Quantenoptik – geht es noch komplizierter?

    Wer sein logisches Denken ausschalten und es gleichzeitig auf Hochtouren arbeiten lassen kann, ist im Vorteil. Dass das gar nicht so schwer ist und was das mit Quantencomputern zu tun hat, will euch das Team von KEEQuant an praktischen Beispielen beweisen. Denn viele komplexe Lösungen beruhen oft auf faszinierenden und einfachen Ideen.

  • May 2, 2022

    LASER World of Photonics 2022

    Four awesome days at LASER World of PHOTONICS are over. We enjoyed having YOU over at our booth to chat about scalable QKD and key management systems. See you again soon!

  • February 10, 2022


    One year ago we moved into our home at GS28 in Fürth. Time to celebrate!

    We are pretty sure these two electric field quadrature marginal distributions are Heisenberg limited…

  • November 8, 2021


    Happy to be at ECOC2021 in Bordeaux, France. Imran Khan presented KEEQuant’s vision of bringing CV-QKD into every coherent telecom transceiver using integrated photonics , outlined in the talk “Enabling a Large-Scale Deployment of QKD”.

  • September 23, 2021


    KEEQuant is proud to host a workshop on QKD securing the electric power grid and embedded devices. Organized by Bayern Innovativ GmbH (Christoph Karl and Dr. Andreas Böhm), the participants from Prof. Juergen Mottok‘s group at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg and Bayernwerk‘s NEXT group around Jürgen Kandlbinder discussed the details of future implementations

  • August 30, 2021


    EFFECT Photonics was very pleased to host KEEQuant for a meeting in our offices in Eindhoven. KEEQuant is a start-up focused on coherent quantum cryptography. This was a first meeting to explore how our highly synergetic technologies could work together in a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) solution. Imran Khan (Managing Director, Co-Founder) and Martin Hauer (Developer & Manager Photonics) from KEEQuant, joined Joost Verberk (Director of Product Management), Tim Koene (CTO) and Wouter Rensen (Project Manager) from EFFECT Photonics.

    To find out more about QKD at EFFECT Photonics, visit