About Ulrich Eismann

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So far Ulrich Eismann has created 19 blog entries.


A huge thank you to customers and partners for visiting KEEQuant at it-sa 2022! We had plenty of good talks, and it has been a pleasure meeting everyone in person again.

And for all those who could not visit us in Nuremberg… our demo will be back in Fürth tomorrow. ;-)

2022-12-02T13:18:42+00:00October 12th, 2022|

DIVQSec @ KEEQuant

KEEQuant hosted the DIVQSec – Deutscher Industrieverbund für Quantensicherheit‘s (German Industry Association for Quantum Security) very first on-premise meeting since ist inception. We enjoyed a great day with multiple talks and high quality face-to-face meetings in a relaxed atmosphere. And of course we did not forget to highlight the KEEQuant QKD and KMS products. We are looking forward to the next on-premise meeting!

2022-10-04T16:01:40+00:00July 29th, 2022|

CODE Meeting at Universität der Bundeswehr

We were present at the CODE meeting and took a lot of input back home to KEEQuant. A personal highlight was the exciting discussion about the QKD panel with participants from secunet Security Networks AGQuantum Optics Jena GmbHRohde & Schwarz CybersecurityBWI GmbHTÜV Informationstechnik GmbH – TÜViT (TÜV NORD GROUP) and Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

2022-10-05T12:51:42+00:00July 14th, 2022|

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

Cybersicherheit mit Quantenoptik – geht es noch komplizierter?

Wer sein logisches Denken ausschalten und es gleichzeitig auf Hochtouren arbeiten lassen kann, ist im Vorteil. Dass das gar nicht so schwer ist und was das mit Quantencomputern zu tun hat, will euch das Team von KEEQuant an praktischen Beispielen beweisen. Denn viele komplexe Lösungen beruhen oft auf faszinierenden und einfachen Ideen.

2022-10-05T12:46:00+00:00May 21st, 2022|
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